
Reblog with your personality results.
Kinsey Scale
Hogwarts House
Bending Type

ISTJ (100%, 12%, 12%, 56%)

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Law —– XXXXXXX (7)
Neutral – XXXXXXX (7)
Neutral – XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Evil —- X (1)

Kinsey Scale 4

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, surprisingly only one point before Gryffindor (and Hufflepuff is last? That is definitely not true)

Temperament: Sanguine (don’t think that’s true)






i wonder if my pets have like a proper language and when i try to speak back to them im just speaking jargon

like for example my cat always speaks to me when I come home and i meow back to her and she’ll meow again & even though i don’t think twice about it to her it’s probably a situation where it’s like

her, meowing: “im glad you’re home”

me, meowing back: “tax benefits”

her, meowing: “why do u always do this”


cats actually have a human-specific language. cats don’t often meow at each other and seem to use subvocal communications that humans can’t hear to chat cat-to-cat. however, cats seem to use what humans would call “shout-until-you’re-understood” to speak to humans. so basically, it’s more like:


“tax benefits”


“waffle iron”


It’s fucking amazing the way cats have adapted to life with humans okay

like they domesticated THEMSELVES because us storing grain created a habitat for rats and they were like ‘why hunt in the wild when I can hunt in one place?” and then it turned out we had these fireplaces with nice warm hearths AND that we were willing to put rugs on floors and cushions on chairs and surrender our body heat if we were properly mollified and cats were like ‘hell fucking yeah’ and just moved the fuck in.

But the above poster is right, cats don’t meow at each other very much.  Feral cats rarely vocalize in our hearing range at all, and when they do it’s because they’re about to do violence.  Not only did cats adopt us, and not the other way around, they developed a method of communicating especially FOR living with us.  They observed that humans make mouth sounds in a specific range and started making their own mouth sounds in that same range in the hopes of communicating their needs to us and if you don’t think that’s the most awesome shit get out.

But it gets cooler.  Obviously cats have variable intelligence – I have met very bright cats and I have met truly stupid ones.  But the species as a whole has the ability to make somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 distinct vocalizations that humans can perceive.  Which means cats can CHOOSE A MOUTH SOUND that means ONE THING and have it consistently mean that one thing.  And humans who bother to pay attention can actually learn what the cat is saying and respond to it properly.

Mine is one of the bright cats who does that.  So far, her vocabulary of distinct and identifiable sounds include: 

  • I want food
  • I want WET food
  • I want water
  • clean my litter box
  • there’s something outside and you should look at it immediately
  • there is an insect somewhere and I intend to murder it
  • Play with me
  • Can I come sit with you/are you willing to pet me
  • Hello Mama (she has a special sound for me)
  • Hello other human
  • Stop making that noise or I will literally bite your face (she hates people whistling)
  • Who are you/What are you doing? (this one can be used with varying levels of suspicion and/or hostility, I’ve noticed)
  • Bird! (or other out-of-reach prey object… this is paired with that teeth-chattering thing they do)
  • And the most amusing one: Mama, it’s time for bed.  She developed this one within the last few years when she started sleeping on my pillow.  Obviously that’s no fun unless my head is also on the pillow, so when she wants to go to bed, she comes and tells me it’s time for ME to go to bed so she can sleep on my face.

And the thing is, I don’t actually think I listed all of them.  We joke constantly about how Sephie bosses my husband around because she can make herself understood very well but the truth is, her vocabulary makes her about as easy to understand as your average toddler who can say ‘milk’ when she wants milk.  Cats are cool as shit and brilliant when they want to be and I will never get over it.






Imagine a wall full of circular holes, that circles can keep walking in and out of with no difficulty.

Now imagine that the triangles manage to get the resources together, after years of not being able to fit through the circle’s holes, to drill a single triangle space into the wall.

Now imagine that the circle — who previously supported the triangle’s efforts because they are well-rounded (har) and value equality —  comes along and sees the construction project. But instead of being happy, they get angry.

“Well, I won’t be able to fit through your hole!!!!” the circle cries.

“I helped you get the drill!!!!” the circle shrieks.

“Make it fit me too!!!!” the circle demands.

The triangles, barely holding it together enough to get a triangle hole together, stare at the circle in confusion. 

“You have all the holes you need,” the triangles explain. “This is for us. You don’t need to fit through our hole, too.”


“It’s not your drill, it’s our drill. You helped us get it, because you said you cared.”


“Why is it up to us, the small group that has never been able to fit through the wall at all, to make a hole everyone can use? Why isn’t it up to you, the people who have been able to cross back and forth at will for years? We just want to see the other side; why are you yelling at us?”


“You are interfering with our project and asking us to comfort you while we’re trying to make progress. Please leave.”

“I’m going to tell everyone about this,” the circle warns. “Nobody will support you now.”

“Apparently nobody ever did,” the triangles sigh, getting back to work.

It’s kind of sad

That we have to draw comics using colorful shapes

To explain systematic inequality to people

Reblogging again because yes good

If traditional relationships were treated like alternative relationships




“Ugh, do you HAVE to wear that ring on your finger? We get it. You’re pair-bonded. No need to rub it in everyone’s face!”

“You’re getting ‘MARRIED’? And going on a ‘HONEYMOON’? Is that some kind of Christian sex ritual?”

“Your ‘SISTER IN LAW’? So, what, when you find a mate, you’re legally bound to assimilate into their family? Isn’t that kind of fucked up?”

“So let me get this straight. You decided that you want to ask this person to commit to only having sex with you until one of you dies, but instead of just asking them in private like a decent person, you asked the waiter to put your weird diamond sex ring in a glass of wine, then GOT ON YOUR KNEES IN THE MIDDLE OF A PUBLIC RESTAURANT to ask them? Oh my God. Were there any children watching? Are they okay?”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Your ‘husband’ GETS YOUR STUFF if you die? And you’re filing TAXES together? As a single unit? Honey… this sounds like some kind of cult thing. You are your own person, and no, no… ‘SPOUSE’ or… ‘prenuptial CONTRACT’ can take that away from you. Just… remember that I’m here for you, okay?”

“Of course, dude. What’s it called again? ‘Best Man’? No, bro, it’s fine, seriously. Whatever makes you happy. I’m honored. Sure, let me see the outfit. What is this…? Dangling collar thing? A ‘tie’? It looks pretty uncomfortable. No, okay, sure. So you get this shaman–sorry, priest, whatever–and she’s gonna use the magical power vested in her–it’s just a phrase? Okay. Sure. But she’s gonna cast this spell–what? Okay, cool, man. No, I believe you. Not a spell. I swear, I PROMISE I’m not laughing. And then, everyone has to watch you make out for a sec? All right! Sounds like a hot time, man. Hahaha, sure, of course it’s ‘not just about sex’, dude. I get you. You’re so IN, man! I don’t know how you find these crazy chicks. I’ll see you there.”

Just sayin’.

I want to see this with other “weird” stuff.

“So, when your kid is naughty you take away their gameboy? But the gameboy is theirs, right? Isn’t that, like, stealing? Yeah, yeah I get that you give it back, but taking someone’s car and then parking it back in the same spot is still a crime, you know?”

“What do you mean, you don’t have cyberspace friends? Do you have, you know, no hobbies? Interests? How can just the people who happen to live around you be enough? No, no, I’m not judging you. I just don’t understand it, is all.”

“What do you mean you don’t have any pen pals? Don’t you have anyone in your life who says things that you want to think about before responding? Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything bad, I’m certain that you can have emotionally satisfying relationships with people who don’t necessarily make you think or dream, and I want to respect that.”

“So, you call him your best friend, you say you trust him, and you’ve always been careful to keep your clothing on around him? I’m a cardinal and I don’t bother with that ridiculousness.”

“You’re saying you’re in this binding legal contract that affects taxes, innocent lives with no ability to control their environment and in need of protection, and legal immunity, and you can exit it just by wanting to? With no penalty clause? WTF?“

“So you’re saying you expect to have this control over your partner for the rest of your lives? Just, a blanket restriction on what they are allowed to do with other people?”

“So, you’re saying the state can take away her kids because she is abusing them five times, and still isn’t allowed to do anything preventative? What kind of child-hating society do you live in?”

“You’ll call adults hitting children ‘discipline’ and adults hitting adults consensually ‘abuse’? Could we go over some of these words? I think I’m mistranslating them.”

“Wait, so you’re saying you could feel yourself obligated to someone you never met because they’ share DNA? More obligated than you are to your dearest friends? Ok, if those are your priorities“

dear president 2016,


  • no more agriculture subsidies
    • literally light the money on fire for all I care as long as you aren’t subsidizing massive agricorporations that are terrible for everything.
      • don’t light the money on fire; spend it to fix the welfare system so it’s easier to qualify and so benefits don’t drop off sharply if you also work.
  • if we don’t start geoengineering to tackle climate change, some other country is going to do it, so fund lots and lots of research into the likely consequences and into finding reversible minimal-impact methods.
  • publish everything the NSA has done, pardon whistleblowers, apologize, and abolish the whole agency.
    • terrorism is not a real problem; drunk driving is guaranteed to kill more people during your term. 
  • no more foreign wars
    • even if you’re really really sure you have a good reason and you got the right guys
  • stop giving foreign aid to dictators whose favor we need – we don’t need it – and start giving it to village-level coordinated public health interventions like wiping out malaria and polio and intestinal parasites
  • announce that the U.S. will grant refugee status and citizenship to everyone who qualifies, and that this includes all LGBT+ people in countries with laws against them, all women in countries where women can’t vote, and everyone, period, in countries whose dictators annoy us
    •  (this is why we will no longer need to give them foreign aid; we have better leverage. if they’re committing human rights violations we can add them to the Everyone Who Leaves Here For The U.S. Gets Citizenship list and trust me they don’t want us to do that)
  • if you do all these things you’ll kind of obviate this effective charity thing I’ve been pushing for really hard. but it’s okay. I’ll forgive you.  

not sure about the first thing (yes, there’s a lot of bad shit subsidized, but I’m not sure how affordable essential food stuff would be without any subsidies), but the rest sounds really good



I love how the latest got episode turned into this Sansa vs. Jeyne discussion, as if it’s a contest who deserves it the least to get tortured by Ramsay.

It’s not about that at all.

That’s not why i’m angry.

I’m angry because D&D looked at multiple chapters from Arianne Martell’s pov (powerful strong female heir of Dorne!!) and decided to skip that entire story. I’m angry because they looked at multiple chapters about Lady Stoneheart (strong powerful mother on a revenge act!!) and decided to skip that entire story. I’m angry because they found a minor plot about an underage girl being brutally raped and tortured by a psychopath and THAT’S THE STORY THEY DECIDED TO KEEP. i’m angry because, after this sin, they made the decision to give that plot to a female character who, after 4 seasons of abuse, was supposed to be in a position where she was able to gain more agency, by learning how to play the game and by making friends and feeling relatively safe while STILL being in a dangerous situation. I’m angry because they decided to do this while they were ALREADY heavily criticized for the way they treat their female characters and handle rape/nudity and abuse in the show.

but lmfao what would game of thrones be if the story actually was about its female characters becoming more powerful instead of being random plot devices for more nudity, shock effect and violence, to be moved around for the development of (often minor) male characters??!

that David Benioff even has the NERVE to say Sansa is a character he cares about ‘almost more than any other’ while they prioritize Ramsay’s story above hers honestly TERRIFIES me cause it truly shows how completely ignorant they are. and even scarier: how they don’t even CARE.

I’m angry because they found a minor plot about an underage girl being brutally raped and tortured by a psychopath and THAT’S THE STORY THEY DECIDED TO KEEP. 

I’m angry because, after this sin, they made the decision to give that plot to a female character who, after 4 seasons of abuse, was supposed to be in a position where she was able to gain more agency, by learning how to play the game and by making friends and feeling relatively safe while STILL being in a dangerous situation.


How to draw folds

Notes on how to draw folds back when I was teaching manga classes back in 2006. From the book “Drawing people” by Barbara Bradley.

This book has a very detailed description of 6 types of commonly seen folds and I think is one of the most educational resource on how to draw folds(Besides Vilppu and Bridgeman).







Hey to my peeps who have a hard times with reality, remember that:

Mirrors dont work while youre dreaming

Phones/TV/computer screens dont work  while youre dreaming

books dont work while youre dreaming (the letters will keep moving)

 If you ever feel like youre dreaming remember this

If you are dreaming you lose your ability to read because your language centers responsible for reading written letters are dormant.

Any time you are reading something, no matter what it says, it means you are awake and that whatever you are going through right now is real.

Thank you

When I realized this, it helped a lot! Reblog to help someone out.

What? That’s bullshit. I’ve dreamed of reading something or doing something on the computer plenty of times.