Other person: Did you notice that stink? That’s from his clothes.

Me, very acutely aware that some of my clothes came out of the washer smelling bad last time and I didn’t have the time to wash them again so I just put them into my closet like that: uh huh

Other person: Wow, did you see thow unkempt they were?? All those stains on her pants!

Me, very acutely aware that I’m currently wearing pants with (fortunately still small and hidden) holes right between the legs, frayed endings, and a stain that just won’t come out hidden beneath my shirt, which also has a few tiny holes: uh

What does the right to die mean to you? I’m new to your blog, I know nothing except that you said it was one of the things keeping you alive.


This is a coping mechanism I think I got partly from Ozy and that has greatly improved my life! Sometimes I get suicidal, usually in the low-key “the best thing that could possibly happen right now would be a violent death” way but sometimes in a “it is comforting to plan it out” way.

When this happens, I say to myself “yeah, I can do that if I want to.” And then I sort of stick it on a shelf with things I can do if I want to, like “move to Montana” and “shave my head and get a facial tattoo” and there’s nothing wrong with thinking about those things, they’re not evil, but they’re not especially tempting even when my life is exhausting and my brain is scanning for alternatives to living it.

My previous solution was something like “oh no! on top of whatever problem made me this miserable in the first place, now I’m suicidal! that’s wrong and horrible and awful and I can’t tell anyone because they’d be scared if they knew but also I have to tell them because ‘tell someone when you’re feeling suicidal’ is a rule and I need therapy and -”

and don’t get me wrong, if you want to die it’s probably because you are hurting and there are resources that can make that kind of hurting stop, really and meaningfully, and if realizing you want to die is the impetus for getting those resources, if you would have just limped along in terrible pain but then when you realized you wanted to die you were able to scream loudly enough at the world to get on the path of fixing it, that’s really common and really important and I hope you stop hurting really fast.

but for me, wanting to die was becoming this extra burden on top of the hurting, another thing that I had to hide and had to stop because it was wrong, and so instead of helping me get support for the pain it just sort of bubbled there being a priority.

and the solution was “yeah, I can do that if I want. It’s not evil, it’s not wrong, it’s a thing which I can do. When it comes up I’ll add it to the list of possible solutions, but it’s kind of a lousy one so I’ll keep adding other stuff to the list too.”

and a big part of “I can do that if I want” is “I can do that tomorrow, or in a month, or in a year”: the idea can go sit on a shelf, because I’m always going to have the choice! It’s not going away! And so Ramón Sanpedro’s story fucks with my head because that was what he wanted, but because he was a quadriplegic he had to get help in doing it, and he fought for that right for 29 years. And there’s nothing more terrifying to me than the thought that maybe that choice would go away and I could exist for 29 years I don’t want because someone wants to force me to keep existing for a political point about the value of life. That choice – and therefore my ability to happily discard that choice and think about better ones – is entirely dependent on my mobility, and isn’t protected as a right. That’s scary. 



my biggest pet peeve wiht the english language is that you don’t have sin/sina

in swedish if u have two people who use the same pronoun u can always tell whos doing what bc its like ‘han tog sin väska’ (he took his[own] bag) and ‘han tog hans väska’ would be that he took the other persons bag

but in english its like if u have 2 ppl w/ the same pronoun:

“she took her bag” whose bag????WHose BAG was it her OWN bag or the other her’s bag??????????????

“he ate his donuts” were the donuts his own???? did he fucking eat someone elses donuts??? YIU DONT KNOW bc english is a bullshit language 

also known as, the gay fanfiction dilemma

Eine Frage an alle die Deutsch sprechen:



Das hab ich mich schon ewig gefragt: Wie sprecht ihr die Eltern eurer guten Freunde/Freundinnen an? Mit “du” oder mit “Sie”? Mit Vornamen oder mit “Herr/Frau XY”?

Und hat sich das im Lauf eures Lebens irgendwie geändert?

Ich versuch es zuerst mal mit “Sie” bis die Eltern mir dann grünes Licht für “du” geben ^__^’

Ist zwar schon ne Weile her, dass ich in der Situation war, aber: mit “Sie”, dann waren sie ganz überrascht/verlegen/amüsiert und sagen sowas wie “nein nein, du kannst ruhig du zu mir sagen!!!” und dann habe ich die nächsten paar Jahre lang einfach tunlichst jede direkte Anrede vermieden, weil man Erwachsene doch nciht einfach duzen kann. War wahrscheinlich ne gute Übung für das ganze Pronomenzeugs mit Transleuten später :3

Planets i learned about via youtube while procrastinating my english essay



Planet 55 Cancri e is basically a giant diamond. like the planet is a diamond. and it would be worth $26.9 nonillion

Planet Gliese 436 b is an ice planet that is constantly on fire do to its close proximity to its parent star. the ice doesn’t melt bc the planet’s gravity is so strong it physically prevents the ice from melting

Planet HD 189733b rains sideways glass…. constantly

Planet J1407-B has planetary rings that are 200x the size of saturn. if saturn’s ring were as big as J1407-B’s we’d be able to see them with our naked eye from earth AND they would dominate our sky and look larger than a full moon

Planet Wasp-12b rotates so close to its parent star that its slowly being consumed by the it

Planet Gliese 581c is one of the candidates for a planet that can support life however it orbits a tiny dwarf star and is tidally locked so one side is constantly subject to immense sunlight while the other is constantly in darkness. there’s a small area of the planet however, that is just the right temp to support life. u just can’t step out of said area. the skies are red and the plants would have be a black color instead of a green bc they would use infrared light for photosynthesis. (a message was actually sent to the planet in 2008 in hopes that there’s life on the planet but the message wont reach the planet until 2029).

Planet GJ 1214b is a water planet nicknamed “water world” is has no land at all and the water is so deep it goes down miles all the way to the planet’s core.

Planet Wasp-17b is the largest planet discovered thus far. its so large its existence contradicts our understanding of how planets are formed. and it has a retrograde orbit, so it orbits in the opposite direction of its parent star.

Planet HD 188753 has 3 suns you should have triple shadows and there would be almost daily eclipses. and no matter which direction u face on the planet u would always see a sunset

Planet HD106906b is the loneliest planet discovered thus far. its known as “super jupiter” bc its 11x bigger than jupiter. it orbits its parent star at a distance of 60 billion miles (which is v strange) hence why its the loneliest planet.

Planet Tres 2b is the darkest planet known. it reflects less than 1% of light (it reflects less light than coal and black acrylic paint). the tiny part of the planet that does reflect light is red making the planet glow a dim red.

tag urself I’m sideways glass rain



things that still freak me out: those sinks americans have in their kitchens that you can destroy stuff with

How else do you deal with the miscellaneous food scraps that fall down your sink?

You have a sieve-thingy on top of the hole where the water goes out, and hopefully all the food scraps get stuck there and you can just throw them in the trash.