
the trans community has a problem with using the same names over and over again and we now have a shortage of basic trans names!

there are only:

  • 2 Kai’s left in stock
  • 6 Oliver’s left in stock (save resources by choosing Oli instead)
  • 1 Aidan left in stock. All future trans boys wanting this name will have to take turns.


there will not be a restock. it’s time to start picking normal names

Who is your ‘Good Place’ moral soul mate?








to no one’s surprise, i got jason. 

I also got Jason but can we discuss the abso-fucking-lutely hilarious content of the questions of this quiz?

The best quiz.


Oh my god these questions are the best! The Salem witch one had me giggling on public transportation. (Also got Tahani.)


PS: I got Jason.

I got Michael, which seems a little on the nose.  

Who is your ‘Good Place’ moral soul mate?


“It’s a misstatement. That doesn’t mean it’s a lie,” says Trump adviser, Steven Rogers. Watch @mehdirhasan challenge Rogers on President Trump’s lies on birthright citizenship, riots in California and U.S. Steel plants.

(Facebook: UpFront)

Dear American Journalism,

When Trump lies, say “Trump lied.” Not misspoke, not misstated, not made a false claim – say Trump lied. When his sycophants come on your show to attempt to explain the lies, do this. Talk over them with the facts and stop letting them recast Trump’s lies as anything other than lies.

Thanks for your attention.
Everyone With Three Brain Cells

“I don’t know of [sic] what context these statements were made”

yeah maybe he made them in the context of an alternate dimension where that’s actually true I guess


One of the things Venom did very well that I’m really into is what I like to call Benevolent Possession. 

This idea of sharing your body/head with another creature that’s on your side and actually cares about your wellbeing– and that sometimes you can just tap out and it’ll take over for you. I don’t care if it’s an alien symbiote or a demon or the ghost of a dead pharaoh or whatever, the concept tends to stay the same, as long as that other being decides that they like you and they want you to be happy and in good health.

Those times when you’re just so tired and you know there are things that you Need To Do but you know if you push yourself any harder today you’re going to fucking break down? Just hand the joystick to your buddy and let them do their thing while you disassociate for a while.

Get caught in a depression or anxiety spiral that you can’t get out of? No need to worry, you’ve got a bunkmate inside your head who is aware of the situation, and they’re louder and more persistent than the other voices in your head. 

Pining for your ex? Good thing you’ve got a second opinion right there in your head telling you that it’s not a good idea and they don’t deserve you anyway.

Second-guessing what you wrote in that email to that very important person? Guess who you can ask about it.

Scared of walking alone outside for fear that something bad could happen? No need to worry, you aren’t alone, and if anyone tries to hurt you, your friend will f̶̨͉̬̜̹͙͈̍̂͒͘͞͠ͅư̴̦͕̰̞͛̈̄̾̇͢ç̧̛̦̱̫͌̆̑̆̿̚̚͜͢k̷̡̭̻̯͈͑̏̓̀̏̐͋̈̚͠i̸͈̤͍͚͔̙̹̙̮̿̊͂͒͋̇̑̾ͅn̷̼̮̳̥̱̊̉̋͒̄͗̌ͅg̷̺̞̠͎̼̙͉̬͉͌̿̽̒̓̚ ę̼͔̪̺̒͗́̈́̏ǎ̛̹̪̫̲͎̜̜̼̩̒̇̑͟t̩̮͈͕̰̎̀̽̽̀ t̴̡̼̬͚̞̂̀͊̾̒̃̊͑͜h̸͙̻͍͕͐̊́̋͢͡ę̖̟̬̟̰̫̭̖͔̾̃̄̑̍͘͠m̺̭̲͚̥̬̪̔̔̓̓̈́̅̚͡͝.

It’s just something that really appeals to me, you know?

I need to watch that movie, this sounds so good