A week ago today, I had a Nathan in my room!
It was a highly recommendable experience, and if you ever have the opportunity to have a Nathan in your room, I’d strongly encourage you to take it. However, there were some issues, and I want to take a moment to review them so you can make an informed decision:

  • He is very cute, and if you tell him so, he will scrounge up his face in an even cuter way, potentially leading to an infinite feedback loop you will never escape from.
  • He might sing things, and unless you knew the things well before, you’re probably never going to hear them in any other voice than his. Whenever you listen to the things from now on, you’ll be immediately thrown back to when you listened to him sing the things.
  • He has a way of telling stories that is both highly entertaining and addictive and will leave you with cravings for quite a while.
  • He has Correct Opinions about dogs and will ask strangers to “say hello to your baby” on the subway. There’s actually nothing problematic about this. I just really needed to mention it.

There are probably others I’m forgetting right now (and a few I don’t feel comfortable mentioning in public), but anyway, here have this short list!




Boston Dynamics SpotMini

This looks like creepy CGI from a horror movie! All of my primal instincts are yelling AUGH HIT IT RUN AWAY GET IT AWAY EUHGH

i want one

I showed this to a friend and he gave me this one in return, it is THE CUTEST:







fun tip for cis people: instead of saying “back when she was a he” or “back before [birthname] became [preferred name]”, try not being a pile of shit by saying something like “before she came out” or “before she began her transition”!

Pls friends and thanks.

“before she came out” is so easy and preserves so much dignity, PLEASE

I’ve been wondering the best way to say this. Thank you. 

If you’re talking about me specifically before transition, try “back when she was pretending to be a boy.” Accuracy matters.

A friend of mine uses “back when you were pre-kai”, which has a nice ring to it, IMO.


I always struggle with the conflict between wanting absolutely universal ethical principles, and needing at some point to distinguish between good things and bad things.

“It’s wrong to ban hate groups from participation in public events!  If we allow the government to decide who’s allowed to assemble and demonstrate, they might use that power to censor their own critics, or weird but harmless fringe groups.”

“So you don’t see any difference between hate groups and any other group of people?  They’re just another political group and no one can objectively describe any distinction between the Westboro Baptist Church and the Audobon Society?”

“But sometimes the government really is wrong about which groups are evil.  Look at the history of the civil rights movement, or the Red Scare, or the Stonewall riots.”

“That just proves we need to get better at telling the difference between good and evil groups, not give up and stop trying.”

“Will we ever have a government we truly trust to do that?”

“I don’t know, but do you think we should legalize arson until we can truly trust that the government has godlike perfection in their judgment about whether it’s really wrong to set a house on fire?”

“Um.  Go away.”

“I can’t go away.  I’m you.”

Actual Suicidal Person: Hey so I have these new meds against my depression but they’ll take a few weeks to work and right now everything has gotten worse and I tried to kill myself and every evening it’s so bad I get close to doing it again, and I’m starting to think I should go to a hospital for a while.

Psychiatrist who has been treating the Person for a while now: Yes, that sounds like a really good idea. You should do that.

GP who has known Person for a while: Absolutely, I’ll refer you to the hospital.

Hospital A: Yes, a hospital stay is definitely necessary in your case. Unfortunately we don’t have space right away, but I’ll put you on the waiting list and fast-track you so we might be able to take you in next week, and meanwhile please go to Hospital B because you really shouldn’t go home in your state.

Hospital B: nah, go home



man, i’m not even saying this in a necessarily critical way, but people who’ve never been alcoholics or drug addicts are really bad at imagining what being an alcoholic or drug addict is like

actually, i want to re-emphasize this:

people who have never been alcoholics or drug addicts are really bad at imagining what addiction is like

they are so bad at it, sweet jesus

if you have never experienced alcoholism/addiction/significant struggles with substance use, you probably do not understand what people dealing with those things are grappling with– even if you’ve endured other sorts of mental health problem–, and you should probably avoid moralistic pontificating on the subject

Things that make me want to get addicted to something for science: this post.





kill all germans

the picture reads: 

extreme – right mentalities:
“Mitte” – study done by the university Leipzig

58,5 percent: Sinti and Roma are more likely to be criminals.

41,4  percent: Muslims should not be allowed to migrate to Germany.

40,1 percent: It’s disgusting when same gender couples* kiss in public.

The percentage equals the percentage of people who either strongly or generally agree with these sentences.

The picture bears the logo of the tagesschau, a major German news program.

and it is an official picture made bei the tagesschau.

a lot of people on Facebook doubted the credibility of this (they thought maybe the researchers targeted older people so they would get such a shocking result), but this is actually a representative survey. Here are two links about it. There were a lot of questions the participants were asked (about Nazi Germany, Sinti and Roma, Muslims, asylum seekers, “homosexuals”, social darwinism, nationalism and some more) and this is only a small part of them.