


A good percentage of my friends are Nazis.

That percentage is zero. That’s a good percentage of Nazi friends to have.

op change your url this is fucking fantastic

This isn’t even a joke, op is just serving facts

via   —  browse Likes to your heart’s content!
















Hitler flirting with Eva Braun.

I don’t know how this makes me feel

It makes me feel very uncomfortable

You know what’s so uncomfortable about this? It shows that perhaps one of the most evil men in history, was a human being. That, on occasion, he could be nice, even flirty. That’s not all. You want to see evil people as evil, screaming horrible stuff over a desk with 20 microphones with 20, 000 people saluting them. The evil is clear and recognizable then. This shows a completely different image, it scares you because that means that evil isn’t a stereotype, that evil is not recognizable, that evil could be anyone. It scares you because this shows that could be lurking inside anyone and you’ll never ever know. Maybe in you? 

i reblogged this literally like 2 minutes ago, but i want this version because of that comment ^

That comment is one of my favorite post commentaries, because it’s completely right. People aren’t inherently evil. Like good, it’s a role they grow and live into. We have just as much potential to destroy as this man exhibited. And it’s a very eye opening experience to realize that.

does anyone even remember that one time hitler attended that luncheon between world leaders, some guests of which even included china’s socialist leader as well as Stalin. And then when they were ordering, everyone was gladly ordering impressive dishes one after the other, but Hitler placed an order for barley tea and a pheasant (considered a peasant’s meal by standard). When he was questioned as to why he would order something like this in something as grand as a world leader’s congress, he replied,

“I don’t smoke when my people cannot smoke, and I cannot eat when my people are going hungry.”

He wasn’t evil for its own sake, let’s try to remember that despite the countless murders, but for a moment, he did actually believe he was doing something for the good of his countrymen.


No, he’s right. Hitler, though extremely wrong in his views, did everything for what he thought would better the lives of his people. It was wrong. It was disgustingly, horribly wrong. But he did not do it because it was evil and he was evil. He did it because he believed it would help Germany and those who needed a better life. Those who don’t understand or even try to understand the human brain will always label men like him as ‘evil’ because it is easier to accept. But he wasn’t ‘evil.’ He felt love and loyalty and responsibilities. He simply took these aspects and morphed them into a twisted, violent thing. 

Tumblr is probably the only place we could have this conversation and not be lynched.

dang son

“Every villain is a hero in his own mind.”

― Tom Hiddleston

I love every thing about the comments.

“Hitler, though extremely wrong in his views, did everything for what he thought would better the lives of his people" 

I mean actually, in the last weeks and days of the war, there were cases of only one train line in which he chose to send more Jews to the camps and in doing so delay sending supplies to his own troops. 

"Tumblr is probably the only place we could have this conversation and not be lynched.” Oh my fucking gosh. Yes. Not hating Hitler is very edgy and not mainstream at all. Also: really? you think you’re the ones facing violence for your identity? Um, I do still kind of think that still happens rather more to Hitler’s victims the MOGAI people, the disabled, the POC, the Romani people, the Jews – than to his supporters.

Finally: Please ask yourselves why you are so invested in humanising the genocidal murderer — and not his victims.

I don’t think trying to see Hitler as anything other than a despicable, horrible, messed up human is a good thing. He certainly was despicable, horrible and messed up and there are good reasons he’s often the go-to example of evil humans. He was really fucking evil.

I’m less sure of I agree with seeing Hitler as a monster. I think it’s important to keep in mind that Hitler, ultimately, *was* human. That’s what makes him so fucking scary. He’s not some superpowered being from another dimension. He’s not a literal demon. He’s a human. Humans are capable of the terrible things Hitler did. We need to acknowledge that if we want to prevent it.

So yes, you should really fucking abhor Hitler. You should internalize that hate and for me it actually burns with a rather strong intensity, even if I don’t really have a direct connection to the matter (other than living in a place with a lot of reminders about World War II). But you should keep in mind that he is human.







When the Nazi concentration camps were liberated by the Allies, it was a time of great jubilation for the tens of thousands of people incarcerated in them. But an often forgotten fact of this time is that prisoners who happened to be wearing the pink triangle (the Nazis’ way of marking and identifying homosexuals) were forced to serve out the rest of their sentence. This was due to a part of German law simply known as “Paragraph 175” which criminalized homosexuality. The law wasn’t repealed until 1969.

This should be required learning, internationally. 

You need to know this. You need to remember this. This is not something to swept under the carpet nor be forgotten. 

Never. Too many have died for the way they have loved. That needs stop now. 

Make it stop

I did a report on this in my World History class my sophomore year of high school. It was incredibly unsettling.

My teacher shown the class this. Mostly everyone in the class felt uncomfortable. 

I have reblogged this in the past, but it is so ironic that it comes across my dash right now. I a currently working as a docent at my city’s Holocaust Education Center (( I say currently because I’ve also done research and translation for them )) and our current exhibit is one on loan from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ((USHMM)). This is a little known historical fact that Paragraph 175 was not repealed after the war and those convicted under Nazi laws as a danger to society because they were gay were not released because they had be convicted in a court of law. There was no liberation or justice for them as they weren’t considered criminals, or even victims for that matter. They were criminals who remained persecuted and ostracized and kept on the fringes of society for decades after the war had been won. Paragraph175 wasn’t actually repealed until 1994. And it was only in May 2002, that the German parliament completed legislation to pardon all homosexuals convicted under Paragraph175 during the Nazi era. History has forgotten about these men and women — please educate yourselves so this does not happen again. Remember this history. Remember them.